Energy Efficiency is the critical technologyto reduce carbon emissions, and it’s very profitable to apply.

Energy Efficiency allows people to reduce their energy use without sacrificing health, comfort or production. It is usually very profitable to apply, generating energy savings worth far more than its costs. It usually also increases the comfort, health and productivity of its users.

Energy Efficiency is the critical technologyto reduce carbon emissions, and it’s very profitable to apply.

Energy Efficiency allows people to reduce their energy use without sacrificing health, comfort or production. It is usually very profitable to apply, generating energy savings worth far more than its costs. It usually also increases the comfort, health and productivity of its users.

Energy Efficiency is the critical technologyto reduce carbon emissions, and it’s very profitable to apply.

Energy Efficiency allows people to reduce their energy use without sacrificing health, comfort or production. It is usually very profitable to apply, generating energy savings worth far more than its costs. It usually also increases the comfort, health and productivity of its users.
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Energy Solutions Ltd

“Energy Efficiency can provide more benefits than most people expect. Most organisations can avoid 20% - 50% of their energy costs and carbon emissions at “paybacks” of under three years. Energy Solutions has worked in most of the largest commercial and industrial sites around New Zealand, completing over 100 energy audits and projects

The above graph is a supply curve (developed by McKinsey & Company), showing how much carbon abatement measures can deliver, at what cost. At the left are “negative cost” masures which are cost effective, even without their emission reduction benefits.

Energy Solutions presently focuses on commercial building HVAC controls improvements, as this is an area where we can deliver large savings at low costs, everytime.

Energy Solutions Ltd

Multiple benefits

Energy efficiency and energy management projects are usually done to reduce energy costs and greenhouse emissions. But many studies have shown that the non-energy benefits of energy efficiency projects are often worth more than the energy savings!

In New Zealand, the health benefits of warmer, better insulated homes, are established as more valuable than the energy savings.

Other benefits beyond health and safety include:

  • Improved comfort, in terms of temperature and air quality
  • Higher staff productivity in commercial situations
  • Higher manufacturing productivity in industrial situations
  • Higher reliability of equipment
  • Lower maintenance
  • Longer equipment lifetime

The International Energy Agency (IEA) performed the definitive study on multiple benefits (LINK) and The ACEEEPPEEstudy shows examples with non-energy benefits up to ten times the value of the energy savings. On average they found the extra benefits were worth about three times the value of the energy.

What? Energy Efficiency can provide more benefits than most people expect. Most organisations can avoid 20% - 50% of their energy costs and carbon emissions at “paybacks” of under three years. Energy Solutions has worked in most of the largest commercial and industrial sites around New Zealand, completing over 100 energy audits and projects

Now, we focus on commercial building HVAC controls improvements, as this is an area where we can deliver large savings at low costs, everytime

About Rob

Energy Solutions Ltd

Rob Bishop is an energy efficiency consultant, researcher, teacher and advocate. He has been over forty years of experience, and has been named “Hall of Fame” and Life Member of Carbon and Energy Professionals New Zaland (ref).

There is abelief that 10,000 hours of experience are needed to gain expertise in a subject area . Rob has over 60,000 hours of increasing experience in energy efficiency.

Rob was a mathematics prodigy from a young age (for example demonstrating a new type of complex number system, using LN(-1) instead of SQRT(-1) as the complex operator). In high school, he was awarded the prizes for outstanding physics student as well as outstanding math student, and recorded the highest semester grade average ever achieved at the school. He was awarded a National Merit Scholarship to his choice of university, and attended and graduated from Harvey Mudd College (rated #1 U.S. undergraduate technical university) “with distinction”.

Subsequently, he attended Stanford University as a Thermosciences Fellow, where he received his Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering at the age of 22. Graduate studies were focused on heat transfer and thermodynamics, and solar heating systems.

Since then he has worked in either research or engineering practice in energy efficiency, building science, or renewable energy. In 1985 he moved to New Zealand, and in 1990 he was recruited to be a Research Scholar at Rocky Mountain Institute in Colorado USA, working with Amory Lovins documenting how to deliver deep (~90%) energy savings, cost effectively, in cooling, air-handling, and heating systems.

In 1993, he and his wife Shelley Hood incorporated Energy Solutions Ltd. in Wellington, New Zealand. This has delivered energy saving projects, energy audits, energy management and energy research services since then. Rob has delivered many types of energy mangement training, sharing the best information with hundreds of students and practitioners across New Zealand.

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